How to DIY MB Star Diagnosis

Sharing experience from forumn on how to DIY MB Star Diagnosis .

This is DAS/XENTRY Software with Car Diagnostic Tools mb star diagnosis.

Step one, Lowering the car.
Locate 211 section.

This would lead you to the main menu.

Then hit Function performed by more than one control unit, just liek the pictue shows.

Then choose chassis.

Then hit for level adjustment.

Then Suspension.

After that, please do remember do not go to actuations and lower it directly. Instead, hit for initial startup.

Instead of the automatic takeover, please go for initial startup with manual settings.

Then hit for F2

Then the screen displays the voltages which correspond to the height of the vehicle. they must be within the given ranges in the left hand column. use the + and – buttons to lower the car (In my screenshot I am in the car with a friend in the back seat, so that is why it is at 3.27, it should not exceed 3) Then hit F2.

Enter in these inclination angles and if the car is within the voltages supplied in the page before, the car will accept the new lowered setting, if not it will reject it.

Now, how to activate the unlock and lock beep (honestly, one of the best mods to do if you have an older model e55)
First Control units. Then go for body option, after that, hit for rear SAM

Then Control unit adaptations

Then national version of ATA function

At this screen you will see a pull down menu with a list of different regions on it. The only ones you need to worry about are USA with buzzer and Netherlands. If you choose USA, i will give you three short quick beeps when you lock the car and one short when you unlock it. Netherlands will give you three longer beeps when you lock the car and one long when you unlock it. Personal preference on which one you like. Then hit F3

Then F3(YES)

Hope this helps out some people. I really did not find a good DIY for Star Diagnostics, so I thought I would help out!

Published on mb star diagnosis from .

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